Dec 21, 2009

Miscellaneous Pictures

Such friends - I am 21 this year, look what my friends wrote to me - wrong age and wrong name. I'd been writing such birthday cards a lot since starting university (to save money buying presents), and I know one can easily make mistakes by 'referring' to previous writers. It was a heartwarming experience to read through all their notes though.

Best of friends in choir - old friends. I actually looked the same age as them, though I'm 2 years their junior.

The latte I smuggled into the library - It's child's play actually - just cover the lid with some tissue paper and wrap it up with your jacket. Pretend you're rushing toward the bathroom when the librarian tries to stop you.

The next big thing - a Taiwanese medical student and his pathology atlas. When impressionism meets medicine, when you have only 3 minutes for each slide, all you can produce and memorize for the next 3 months is as follows.

I'm lobbying for the atlas (it's not mine) to be exhibited in the Louvre next summer. Sponsor me by calling 1800-PATHOLOGY.

Finally, a nobility we can only admire. Prof. Tseng and his lifelong love for teaching and gross anatomy (and neuroanatomy too!).


sim family said...

Don't worry ,u still look younger than three of them.

thro' yr classmates confused with yr name n age, but is very touching n sincere.

happy birthday n may god bless you always.