Marketing in Penang requires knowledge, sensibility, courage to bargain and a lot of strength to carry your stuff around. Chowrasta Market in Georgetown
Marketing, especially nearing the New Year season, is regardless of gender, race and language
Always peace-loving, I never find an extra minute bargaining is worth the 20-cents saved. However, with Mum (and other Aunties), they won't mind dilly-dallying the 30 minutes away to save the extra penny
Who said language was important in life? As long as you get things through
Besides persuading you to buy more, these senior vendors are also experts in how you should cook your fresh-bought greens
Housewives pride themselves having a good bargain and preparing the best dishes - the only two job satisfaction they have
After the tedious shopping, reward and indulge yourself in one of Penang's good o'l coffeeshop
Something good brewing - preparing for a meal at home
Of course, one isn't enough in Penang. Besides Jesus and Mary, we always frequent the Indian Gods too. Church of the Immaculate Conception of Penang is the first Catholic church in Penang
The best Penang boys go to Chung Ling, and though Mum is questioning the quality of students they produce every year, many Penangnites would still 'appeal' and 'rayu' their way in. Academic performance had took a falling in recent years, but Chung Ling boys and their qualities are still irreplaceable in many ways
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